It's year three since we planted asparagus, which means it's the first year we can finally start harvesting it, and boy have we been harvesting it. We have it almost every day and I don't grow tired of it. We will pick it for a couple more weeks and then let it go to seed.
Strawberries are looking amazing, enjoying the heat and weed protection of the plastic mulch. They are full of flowers and lost are sporting half developed strawberries. I can hardly wait to start feasting on what should be very nice sized strawberries, now that the beds are well established.
This past weekend we planted most of the sweet corn and potatoes. We also planted some of the beans for fresh eating and things like carrots, onions, and salad materials. I plan to plant the bulk of the carrots and beans in the coming couple of weeks, with hopes of having them bearing the most of their fruit toward the end of the summer when the weather is somewhat more bearable for canning and freezing.
We planted two more pear (the two we planted a few years ago died), two more peach, some more plums, and 40+ blueberries.
I did not test our soil, but know for certain it won't be nearly acidic enough for blueberries, so each plant was planted in a hole consisting of 1 part native soil, a scout of sand. 1 part compost, and one part peat moss. Each hole also received a hand full of sulfur mixed in. So far the plants have acclimated well and most seem to have lived. I am plucking the flowers on the few zealous plants to give them a chance to put all their first year energy in to establishing themselves.
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