Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Making hay and stuff

As you can see from the increasingly irregular timing of my posts, I'm finding it more and more difficult to fund even a few minutes to sit down and describe what's going on at the homestead.  Let me try and recap.

Once again, the weather is playing tricks on us.  After a historically wet spring, we're now in the midst of the driest fall since records were being kept well over 100 years ago.  It's absolutely mind boggling.  We have not had a decent rainfall in over 2 months.  My well has gone dry, so I've been using the remaining water in the kids' swimming pool, plus all of our gray water, for watering the garden and trees.

Despite the weather, we continue to plod forward with our work.  Because of the wet spring, much of the garden was planted very late.  As a result, instead of canning in July, as we usually do, we started canning in August.  We canned pickles, and froze many quarts of green beans and this past weekend we canned sweet corn.

We're about sick of eating watermelon and cantaloupe, which have thrived despite the weather.  The raspberries and blackberries have been bearing for the past few weeks, but it remains to be seen if we can get enough to freeze, as they get gobbled up pretty quickly around here.

We still need to make salsa and store away tomatoes, and then get the garden ready for a fall crop of peas, broccoli, and cauliflower, not to mention planting a large patch of garlic this fall.  There's no rest for the weary.

Blackberries on 2nd year thornless vines

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