Monday, April 29, 2013

Where art though Spring?

Like most of the Midwest, we are anxiously waiting for Spring to arrive. It seems like we've been dealing with mud and snow and firewood forever. Finally, things really felt like spring this weekend.

Deer love strawberries. If there's one thing I've learned since starting homesteading is that deer love strawberries...the leaves, to be more exact. Last year it took me awhile to realize what was gobbling our strawberry plants--right down to the ground. Our crop really suffered until I got an electric fence up. Unfortunately, because I stopped running the fencer over winter, the deer got used to going over or through the fence. After adding another strand failed, I resorted to using some heavy chain link gates and corn crib panels, which seems to be doing the trick.

I also got the dead tops from the asparagus cut off, and a couple days later the new shoots came through. Here's some recent pics.


  1. Hi there, we are a young Catholic engaged couple who are interested in homesteading. We live in Wisconsin as well and have family in Cashton. If there is any way we may be able to talk, via email or phone or even come visit sometime to find out more about how to start out, we would be greatly appreciative. Thanks and God bless you and your family.

    1. Hi Joseph: We'd be more than happy to show your around and introduce you to other families in the area. Email me.
