Yesterday my wife and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary. It was anything but glamorous, partially by necessity but mostly by choice. We've never been especially enamored by expensive or remotely-exotic enjoyments, whether in possessions, vacations, or get togethers. Again, partially by necessity, but mostly by choice.
I remember before we were married we began discussions about a future dream (mostly my dream, at the time) of living in the country, raising a large garden, and maybe having a few animals. I also remember the indignation my bride-to-be first shared at the thought of eating an animal we might raise ourselves and, gasp, she might have to feed. As time as passed, she's largely come to grips with these realities, although she continues to insist she couldn't eat domestic rabbits--just wait until I offer to cook "chicken" one night.
Our anniversary day, like most of our anniversaries, was spent like most other days of our life--working in the garden, doing laundry, going to work, feeding children, etc. We did, however, get a little "time to ourselves", which in our house simply means mom, dad, and just the nursing baby, when we went to retirement party for one of the members of my firm, followed by some great local ice cream. We capped off the night by stopping by our land, looking over the progress of our gardens, and walking through our partially-completed cabin, envisioning the location of shelves, cupboards, and furniture. All in all, I'd say it was a perfect day